Hello all, I’m back.

It’s been a while since the last time I updated my blog. Just like other things in life, it was a culmination of so many factors. I was for sure tired and busy most of the time with a full time job and 2, let’s say, organisations to take care, combined with travel, moving house and a new job. But I don’t think that’s it. I think there’s more to that.

It was all about expectation.

I had high expectations about this blog. I had a target to publish weekly posts. It started with a good intentions, but unrealistic with my current schedule. I had an abstract idea about what perfection looks like, and each time I write, I ended up not publishing it because I don’t think it’s good enough. Maybe it wasn’t. Maybe it was. We all need to start somewhere. I should have just published the post.

And then there’s the technicality of me changing host without backing up the content of my blog, so I lost it all. I had a twinge about it when I found out, and at this point I’ve let it go. It’s time to start anew. New decade is here.

So I’m going back to the basics. Writing about the things I love. Catching up with loved ones. Sharing my thoughts. Expressing my thoughts and knowledge. Sharing my journey. Those are what I need to achieve through this blog, not a strict weekly writing schedule. I may ended up writing more than that, less than that, but I think I have enough things going on without being burdened more with a target that I can’t achieve in this life.

So here’s to 2020. No blogging resolutions. Just going back to the basics and learning to enjoy the journey and walk one step at a time.

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